Calligram project


Hi, its me but 20 years younger, I hope life is treating us well, I have high hopes in what I’m going to accomplish in 20 years. First, I want to be in the process of starting a family, and hopefully I have a wife or a girlfriend. I hope than 20 years from now I have grown as a person and have become a successful entrepreneur. Right know you’re a student from the University of Tampa, trying to become a successful entrepreneur. It’s just the beginning of my journey to become successful and it has been hard. There is a lot of work and exams that I must do, and it all seems to be happening very fast. It can be stressful, but I think that in the long run it will all be worth it. It’s a little different from what I’m used to, I live alone, and I’m not in my hometown which can be weird sometimes but I’m getting used to it. In 20 years from now I hope I have my own business running either it’s an app or something I invented. I really hope that in 20 years I’m a healthy man with a family and a home. Sometimes it’s very difficult to think that ahead in the future because u never know what can happen and time flies. I might get tired of studding and be complaining all the time, but I know that in a couple of years I will regret if I waste my time in college. I like where I am at right now, I think that this University is going to teach me a lot of things and give me a lot of opportunities for my future. 20 years seems like a lot right know but I know time will pass by like nothing and I must pursue every opportunity I have to get to the point in which I’m a successful man with a family. I know you can do it take your time and learn from your mistakes, see you in 20. 


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