The World Wide Web and the Internet
The internet is a vast network that enables people to connect and share information around the world. It was created by computer scientists Bob and Vinton Cerf on January 1, 1983. The Internet was first created for military and scientific purposes. It became widely used for communication and research. The Internet is mostly used now to access libraries, encyclopedias, art galleries, news archives, and other information sources from anywhere in the world.
The World Wide Web is an Information System that allows documents to be linked to each other through hypertext links. The founders/inventors of the World Wide Web are Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau. The World Wide Web was created in 1989 to enable scientists to share information among themselves. Its creation was made possible by the need for automated information sharing. It was made for scientists but now it's open for everyone, and now people can get and share information from it.
The Internet and the World Wide Web are different things although the internet is inside of the World Wide Web. They work together since the internet is part of the World Wide web. The first website was created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee. The World Wide Web is not currently available but you can access the link even tho the website is not working. The URL for this website is ""
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